Midkota Extended Day Program
Schedule for when school is in session.
Mornings 7 AM-8:15 AM
Afternoons 3:15 PM-5 PM
Mornings 7 AM-8:15 AM
Afternoons 3:15 PM-5 PM
Mornings 7 AM-8:15 AM
Afternoons 3:15 PM-5 PM
Program Director: Ms. Carlin Larson
For more information you can reach her at: carlin.larson@k12.nd.us or 701-676-2511
Monthly Calendars for the Extended Day Program
Want to learn a bit more about our extended day learning program? Here is Ms. Larson with some highlights to share.
Midkota Extended Day Program Parent Handbook
Morning Program for Grades K-6 students:
7 AM-7:45 AM will be STEM activities.
7:45 AM-8:15 AM Enrichment and homework help
Afternoon Program for Grades K-6 students:
3:15 PM -3:30 PM Snack time
3:30 PM-3:45PM Recess time
3:45 PM-4:30 PM STEM activities
4:30 PM-5 PM- Enrichment and homework help
Midkota Extended Day Program will focus on the following standards:
Reading Standards
Students engage in the reading process.
Students engage in the writing process.
Students engage in the speaking and listening process.
Math Standards
Students understand and use basic and advanced concepts of number and number systems.
Students use algebraic concepts, functions, patterns, and relationships to solve problems.
Science Standards
Students will review and ask questions about the scientific investigations of others
Students will conduct simple investigations to answer questions based on observations.
Students use scientific tools (i.e., thermometers, rulers, balances) during simple investigations.
Art Standards
Students understand how works of art are structured and how visual art has a variety of functions.
Students know the different techniques used to create visual art.
Drama Standards
Students use a variety of movements, vocal pitch, tempo, and tone.
Students understand the relationship between character and movement, vocal, pitch, tempo, and tone.
Students create and sustain a character.
November 17th, 2020 Extended Day Program Meeting Minutes