Midkota Job Opportunity: Midkota Public School is seeking a motivated elementary teacher to primarily teach 7th and 8th grade classes at our High School location in Glenfield, ND. Midkota offers a full single health insurance policy or a portion of a family plan, sick days, personal days, professional days, 3.25% employee's contribution to TFFR, as well as the 12.75% employer contribution, and funeral leave. Base teacher salary is $44,250, but may increase depending on experience.
Midkota is a close-knit, family-minded community. Please send a resume, completed application, and 3 letters of reference to our Human Resource Officer, Lisa Jorde @ lisa.jorde@k12.nd.us or leave a message at 701-676-2511 ext. 103. Questions about the position may be directed to Superintendent Ryan Baron by phone or by email at ryan.baron@k12.nd.us.
Midkota Application is available at https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1081410/Employment_Application_2021.pdf