Dear Midkota Community,
Earlier this morning Governor Burgum held a press conference outlining current preparation for a possible outbreak of Covid-19 in North Dakota. He emphasized the importance of making decisions based on facts. As Midkota gets these updates and guidance on preparations, we will share them with the community. At this time the information we have received from the Center for Disease Control, North Dakota State Department of Instruction and local health experts encourages us to share information on any potential transmission within the school community with local health officials and to prepare by encouraging proper hand hygiene, monitoring absenteeism, and removing attendance incentives like test exemption to encourage sick students to stay home.
ND DPI does not recognize any form of online learning from home, and so if there are mandatory closings, schools will need to make up those hours. Current days to hours guidance requires 962.5 hours at the elementary and 1,050 hours at the high school. Midkota is well over that amount and will be allowed to count extra hours towards lost days. If there are cancellations and you would like lessons to do at home with your students, please contact the school as we have a variety of online programs and lessons we can send home. Please if your student is not feeling well, keep them home. If a family member is experiencing respiratory or flu like symptoms, please keep your students home. If you know of any possible exposure to the virus, please let the school know. We will keep you updated as any further information comes available. Thank you for your support and cooperation.