Midkota's FBLA students are doing their wreath fundraiser again this year! Please contact Mrs. Halvorson at the school, an FBLA member or order online by October 29th! See below for more details!
We are in need of one adult line judge for tonight's matches @ MHS. If you didn't get a ticket because of attendance limits, here's an opportunity to get in! Contact the HS office if interested!
Information from BND and Mrs. Brandt. Link for the Career Compass site is: https://www.careercompass.nd.gov/
Due to a positive case identified in our school building, we will move to Green Level B of our health and safety plan starting tomorrow Thursday, October 15th. All students and staff will return to wearing masks during transitions and when we can’t be socially distanced at 6 feet or more.
Ticket information for the October 15th VB matches @ MHS:
We will not have additional tickets available to the public. Each athlete has been given two tickets.
The game will be streamed on Midkota School Facebook Page.
Tonight's game at Ellendale can be viewed on Ellendale's Facebook Site!
Also, the 7/8 grade game will be broadcast live on the Midkota School facebook page!
We are in need of one more Close Up Student to help fundraise at concessions tonight in Binford for the JH games. Please contact Mrs. Halvorson!
We have added an 8th grade game for todays vball at MES:
Junior and Senior Close Up Students -
We have a fundraising opportunities available selling concessions at the following VB games:
Oct 12th @ MHS
Oct 13th @ MES
Oct 15th @ MHS
Please sign up with Mrs. Halvorson.
Midkota Elementary Homecoming Dress-up Days:
America Monday -- Red, White, and Blue
Tired Tuesday--PJ Day
Western Wednesday
Team Up Thursday - Class Color Day
Titan Pride Day Friday
Homecoming week festivities are listed below. GO TITANS!!!
Elementary and HS Homecoming Days and Events
Homecoming week is finally here! And it's a busy one! Keep an eye out for any schedule changes! Have a great weekend!
Glenfield house auction next Wednesday, October 14th at 4:00 PM.
HEADS UP!! Elementary Boys Basketball practice is going to be held in Glenfield today, October 9th, 2020!
Monday, Oct 12, the G-M Titans will be hosting the BCN Bison in Glenfield for JV and V games starting at 6:00pm. Midkota is operating in the Green Level A and that means that indoor events will have a 75% capacity limit. Volleyball coaches from Griggs-Midkota and BCN have been issued tickets for parents/guardians. Additional tickets for the game will be available starting at 10:00 am Today, October 9th, at the MHS and GCC offices. There are a limited number available due to attendance regulations. A streaming option will be made available for the game for those that cannot attend.
*Tickets will NOT be needed for 7,8,C vball vs HCV @ GCC Monday, October 12th starting at 4:30pm.
Facebook Livestream of the Titan v. Thunder game tonight courtesy of Bobbi Uglem. https://www.facebook.com/bobbie.uglem/videos/10218400182824824/
Fall Fun Day just got more fun! John Scanson was at it again, this time creating rocking chairs for the Midkota Preschool thru 3rd grade students. Parents should plan to pick up chairs at their earliest convenience as they are too heavy and bulky to take on the bus. If possible, they will be available at the Fire Hall starting at 2:00 PM tomorrow! Otherwise, please make arrangements with the office.
Seniors and Parents! A Message from BND and Mrs. Brandt:
Join us tonight at 7 p.m. CT for the next Career Discovery Webinar with Catherine Mueller, executive director of Mapping Your Future.
Although the future may seem uncertain right now, completing the FAFSA is one way students can keep their options open. Students considering attending college in the fall of 2021 need to complete the 2021-22 FAFSA to apply for federal financial aid, as well as some state and institutional aid. In this webinar, students and parents will receive an introduction to the FAFSA and have their FAFSA questions answered.
If you are unable to attend, please register for the webinar to have access to the material later.
Career Compass is a one-stop location to access virtual college fairs, presentations about financial literacy, career preparation and College Application Month, along with Bank of North Dakota’s College Handbook. It is brought to you by Bank of North Dakota and Dakota Association for College Admission Counseling - North Dakota Council (DACAC).
Link to register for webinar is: