Good morning! Just a reminder for parents of students grades 7-12 that the Foster County Health Nurse will be here on Monday, September 28th at 11:30am for any students needing/wanting the flu shot. They will also be updating any students who are behind on their regular immunizations. If your child needs updating, they will have sent you the paperwork that needs to be filled out and returned to the office before Monday. If you would like your child to recieve a flu shot, please have the Vaccine Adminstration Record filled out and returned to the office by Monday. If you have any questions regarding how to fill out any of the forms, please contact Foster County Health at 652-3087. The Vaccine Adminstration Record form can be found on the Midkota Website under Documents, Student Documents, Vaccine Admin Record. Forms can also be picked up in the office.
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
Calling All Sand Toys Hey Midkota, If you happen to have any gently used sand toys that could use a new home, look no further. The elementary school would love to make use of some toys for our sandbox. Our new pre-school class especially loves the sandbox and would be excited to play with some "new" sand toys. Donations can be dropped off at the office, or sent to school with your students. Thank you and Happy Fall!
over 4 years ago, Nikki Boote
Foster County Health will be at the High School in Glenfield on Monday, September 28th at 11:30am for any staff or students needing/wanting a flu shot. They will also be administering any immunizations for students who are in need of updates. They ask that you have the Vaccine Administration Record completed before you come in for your flu shot. If your child needs any immunization updates, they will send you the information that you need. Forms are also available in the office at the high school. If you have any questions, please call Charla at the school, 785-2126.
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
Flu front
Flu back
Immunization front
Immunization back
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
A look at next week! Homecoming has been rescheduled to the week of September 28th. More info on that to come next week. Have a great weekend everyone!
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
Week of 9.20.2020
Correction for the Elementary GBB - game is in the west gym, door 11!
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
Elementary GBB game in Carrington today starting at 4:30pm. Bus will leave Binford at 3:15pm. When arriving at the Carrington school, please use the west door. Masks are recommended.
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
SEAL! Dental Health Program is back at the Elementary! See below for more information. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Dockter at the Elementary school, 676-2511.
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
Dental Seal
Public Auction
over 4 years ago, Nikki Boote
Auction Sale
Reminder: Today is an early out at both schools for teacher professional development. Schools will let out at 1pm and buses will run at 1pm. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
The high school will be letting out at 1:00pm on Friday, September 18th, to make our facility available for a funeral service. School provided transportation will run at the normal time and students riding it will have a supervised study hall. Students who did not drive, can leave at the 1:00 pm dismissal time by having a guardian call the HS office after 10:00am tomorrow to notify of other transportation arrangements.
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
There will NOT be a JH game vs BCN tomorrow, Tuesday September 15th. We will be updating our schedules and posting as soon as possible.
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
Today's JH FB game in Cooperstown vs. Maple Valley/Enderlin will start at 4:30pm. The Elementary GBB game scheduled for today has been postponed until a later date. There WILL be practice after school. If you have any questions, please call Coach Lokkemoen at the Kensal school.
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
Homecoming activities, including dress-up days, scheduled for this week will be postponed to a later date.
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
Attn: Parents and Guardians grades K-6, if you plan on your student participating in the before or after program they must have registration paperwork completed. The program runs Monday’s, Tuesday’s, and Thursdays and begins tomorrow, September 14th. Paperwork located here: please send it with your student.
over 4 years ago, Midkota Public School
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
Homecoming is next week!! Get your dress-up gear ready and show your Titan Spirit!!!
over 4 years ago, Richard Danielson
Homecoming flyer
Sports Committee Meeting Notice
over 4 years ago, Nikki Boote
Sports Committee Notice
Homecoming is next week! Have a great weekend!
over 4 years ago, Charla Hoyt
Week of 9.13.2020